Surfing, Sisterhood & Self Care
When things feel a little overwhelming, it’s best to strip life back to the bare basics. For us, that’s surfing, sisterhood and self care. 2020 was a whirlwind, and we’ve been left feeling the effects into the new year. Therefore, we have decided to take a step back, follow the slow road and concentrate on the things that make us feel at peace and at ease. Maybe this blessed feeling of calm and carry us all the way through 2021?
Found Treasure is made with mermaids in mind. Water babies wearing our jewellery are found all over the world, diving into the depths or with boards beneath their feet. The expression “only a surfer knows the feeling” may make you squirm, but it is undeniably true - paddling out at sunrise with your favourite log, corduroy lines approaching from where the sky meets the sea, gliding on tiny peelers surrounded by nature. It doesn’t get much more magical.
The Found Treasure collection is made from high quality silver and gold, often coupled with naturally tumbled sea glass collected whilst wandering on the shorelines. The metals we use mean your jewellery can swim in the ocean as you do, but we’d recommend remembering to take it off before a surf, just to make sure your favourite piece doesn’t end up sparkling on the ocean floor!
Sisterhood. A collection of likeminded women. What a wonderful thing. There’s nothing quite like the bond between girls who live and love for the same reasons. Some friendships withstand the test of time; childhood friends who have been through everything together and come out the other side, scathed but smiling. Other friendships bloom and blossom in an instant; girlfriends met travelling, bumped into in the line up, a smile exchange in the sea. Empowered women empower women, and where would we be without our gorgeous network of girls?
There’s something incomparably special about gifting jewellery to your loved ones. A tiny trinket that symbolises so much. Rings, necklaces, cuffs and earrings, all created to withstand a lifetime, much like your friendship. Our Ready To Gift pieces are designed to be timeless and compliment anyone, but if you’d like to commission something custom for your loved one, Found Treasure specialise in one off, individually designed pieces that’ll perfectly reflect the recipient.
Life may be a beautiful gift, but it’s also a rollercoaster of emotion and a hard thing at times. The importance of practicing self care has never been more prominent. Taking time for yourself; be it in your morning rituals with hot coffee and your favourite book or journal, diving into the ocean for a life-affirming cold water dip or turning off your phone for the evening and running a steaming bath, should be part of your daily routine. Whilst it’s true that so many others have it harder than ourselves, it’s also important to know that to help other people, we must fill our own cup first. Nourish yourself and take care of your body and mind, and you’ll have the energy and internal resources to have the same positive effect on those that surround you.
Self care comes in so many forms, and it needs to be honoured to allow you to feel good both on the inside and the outside. Whilst lockdown and working from home left most of us in a permanent cycle of tracksuit bottoms and ponytails, it also gave us time to appreciate the little things. Popping in your earrings for a trip to the shops, rings for an outdoor coffee with friends, your favourite necklace for dinner at home with your partner. Found Treasure jewellery is designed to make you feel your most beautiful self, to be worn whenever and wherever takes your fancy.
Written by Lottie
Photography by Josie